Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Need of Institutinal Repositories in Technical Colleges: A Study

B. Ravi Venkat, B. A Rajeev

Abstract :

Recent development in information and communication and web technologies has changed the landscape of information handling activities. These technologies provide a simple, web based mechanism to deposit and access the research publications via digital repositories. In this paper we describe the genesis, objective, need, advantages, software usages, growth and development of institutional repositories in India. The role of the liary is in transition as the nature of the information it provides changes. Information management will be directed towards giving access to information rather than storing it and it will be possible to provide access to it by having an IR. In many different ways Institutional repositories have the potential greatly to increase the speed, reach and effectiveness of the dissemination of research findings.

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B.Ravi Venkat, B.A Rajeev Need of Institutinal Repositories in Technical Colleges: A Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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