Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Need Based Technology for Innovation

C. Priya

Abstract :

The paper examines the various open resources of technology to be used by common people. Technology, as the name suggests, has shrunken the world within one’s hand. Yes. We could not find anyone’s home without possessing any of the following: Television, mobile phone, Pen Drive, headphone, Digital Camera etc. Even children use mobile phones to operate their favourite apps, to play games, to watch nursery rhymes and to practice handwriting, to keep coloring book etc. I have made an attempt to list out various possible technologies, open resources to be utilized in our daily life to consume time from looking for transportation, money, moral support to guide. Since our social value of joint families got disappeared due to industrialization, ruin of running our family’s business, corporate culture, ethical values, we are running behind learning emerging technologies to compete with our own children, siblings, members of the family. The paper sums up how to find proxy websites to prevent ourselves from cyber crime which happens through internet banking, how to use technical websites, how to manage apps which are not known and used by us for our future reference and perusal.

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C. PRIYA Need Based Technology for Innovation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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