Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Mycoremediation: A Management Tool For Removal of Pollutants From Environment

Mayuri Gupta, Dr. Shobha Shrivastava

Abstract :

Mycoremediation is the process of degrading or removing toxicants from the environment using fungi. Fungi are important decomposers in the natural environment. They create enzymes to degrade the plant polymers cellulose and lignin, two very durable compounds that give plants their structure. Using similar mechanisms, fungi can also eak down certain toxic substances. Fungi are known to degrade, or cause to deteriorate, a wide variety of materials and compounds, processes known as mycodegradation and mycodeterioration.

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Mayuri Gupta, Dr. Shobha Shrivastava Mycoremediation: A Management Tool For Removal of Pollutants From Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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