Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Mycological Study of Dermatophytosis in patients attending Skin OPD in JLNMC Bhagalpur

Ashif Ali Hassan, Anjoo Anupama, S N Tiwary

Abstract :

  Dermatophytes affect millions of people worldwide. Dermatophytes are the most common cutaneous fungal infections seen in humans affecting skin, hairs and nails with a considerable morbidity Material and Methods: This study involved mycological analysis of 110 cases of dermatophytosis attending the OPD of Skin and Venereology, JLNMC Bhagalpur, mycological examination with microscopy and culture using KOH and Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar ( SDA) and Dermatophyte test medium(DTM) was done.  Result: KOH examination was positive in 82 (74.5%) cases while culture was positive in 77 cases (70%) Trichophyton   ruum was the most common isolate in 49 cases (63.6%) followed by T. mentagrophytes with 21 cases (27.3%) and T tonsurans 2 (2.6%) and E. floccosum 4 (5.2%).infection was  more common in manual labourers and males. Conclusion: They are very common infections and proper samples collection and processing are keys to diagnosis.  Further epidemiological studies of dermatophytic fungus–induced dermatophytosis are needed.

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Ashif Ali Hassan, Anjoo Anupama, S N Tiwary, Mycological Study of Dermatophytosis in patients attending Skin OPD in JLNMC Bhagalpur, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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