Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Municipal Bond Market in India

Dr. Manas Chakrabarti

Abstract :

The demand for funding urban infrastructure services in India has increased many folds due to rapid urbanization. Accessing capital markets has emerged as viable options for Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to finance urban infrastructure.  Since 1997, Several ULBs and utility organizations have issued municipal bonds and have mobilized over . 12, 000 million through taxable bonds, tax–free bonds and pooled financing scheme. However, after 2010, no municipal bonds were issued and the market has been effectively dead due to low ratings, reluctant investors and unclear regulation. But the GOI is making every effort to revive municipal bond market to meet the mounting funding requirements of rapid urbanisation

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Dr. Manas Chakrabarti Municipal Bond Market in india Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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