Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Multiple Myeloma Presenting with A Large Bone Swelling& Review of Literature–A Case Report

Dr. Putta Rajasekhar, Dr. Mugannagari Maheswara Reddy, Dr. Prathap Bingi, Dr. Chakra Pani

Abstract :

Multiple myeloma is a hematological malignancy with plasma cell infiltration of bone marrow and carries a poor prognosis. Solitary bone plasmacytoma is the precursor of multiple myeloma, which usually progress to the later in 2–3 years. Early progression depends on certain factors like the size of the lesion. Early diagnosis and appropriate therapy favours the outcome of the patient. Here we present a case of multiple myeloma presenting as a solitary large bony lesion and also review the literature on multiple myeloma to highlight the need for an early diagnosis and treatment.

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Dr. Putta Rajasekhar, Dr. Mugannagari Maheswara reddy, Dr. Prathap Bingi, Dr. Chakra Pani Multiple Myeloma Presenting with A Large Bone Swelling& Review of Literature � A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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