Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Multiple Access Techniques: A New Generation Mobile System

Mr. Vansh Raheja

Abstract :

The use of technology increases in a very quick way. Day by day technology changes. Without technology a person cannot imagine their life. A person life is completely depending upon the technology.  Most of the work in human life becomes easy because of technology. A person can now talk to each other within or outside the country through various sources given by technology that are mobile phones. Laptops etc. Now in this era of technology a person cannot live without the use of technology. In a day to day life a person uses some common things which are the result of technology like laptops, mobile phone, televisions etc. it can be say that a person life depend upon the technology. Technology changes very rapidly. This paper is also deals with one of the technology related factor that is multiple access techniques. Basically multiple access means more than one transmission occur in a particular geographical area. All the wireless communication systems are multiple access system. The main purpose of the paper is to study the three important multiple access techniques that are Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

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Mr. Vansh Raheja Multiple Access Techniques: A New Generation Mobile System Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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