Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017


Dr. Harneet Narula, Dr. Gavinder Singh Bindra, Dr. Amit Mittal, Dr. Aditi Vohra

Abstract :

 Aim: To study the profile of MRI findings in patients with chronic spinal cord injury and correlate the MR imaging features to categorize chronic injuries into different types so as to allow appropriate treatment and prognostication which differs in different entities.

Materials and methods:  This was a prospective study where twenty patients presenting with new/worsening neurological symptom in chronic phase (>6 months) of prior spinal cord injury (which had resulted in variable degree of neurological deficit), were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Result: Cord myelomalacia was the most common MRI finding and was typically present focally at the site of impact of trauma. Atrophy of the cord was seen distal to the initial cord injury.  Cord transection evolved into cystic changes at the site of initial injury. Post traumatic cysts were more common in the thoracic cord. Wallerian degeneration was recognized as hyperintense signal seen in dorsal columns above the level of initial cord injury and was seen in high percentage of patients.

Conclusion: Chronic Posttraumatic myelopathy has varied spectrum which can be indentified and categorized well by MRI. 

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Dr. Harneet Narula, Dr. Gavinder Singh Bindra, Dr. Amit Mittal, Dr. Aditi Vohra , MRI IMAGING OF CHRONIC SPINAL CORD INJURY, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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