Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Motivational Strategies on Enhancing Competencies of LIC Professionals

Dr. K. Gunasekaran

Abstract :

Due to Globalisation success of technology has improved to a greater extent. Modern life is completely dependent on the movement of science and technology. This enables the human society to always forces uncertainty in the life of every individual irrespective of longevity due to health care system. It aims at enhancing professional competencies among LIC professionals and also conclude that, the agent’s professional competence is not dependent upon qualification, gender, commission and service. It further establishes that the agent’s hard work and self–interest alone determine their professional competencies.

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Dr. K. Gunasekaran Motivational Strategies on Enhancing Competencies of LIC Professionals Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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