Volume : I, Issue : XI, August - 2012

Motivation Of Employees In Public And Private Educational Institutions

T. Srinivasarao, Dr. S. Teki Doms , Dr. M. Venkatasubba Reddy

Abstract :

The article entitled “Employee Motivation in” was taken up with the objective to study the various practices adopted for the motivating the employees of the organization. The study employed exploratory type of research design as it was felt that it is best suited. The design of exploratory studies is characterized by great amount of flexibility and ad hoc versatility. The article attempts to study the effectiveness of the existing system and suggest changes for improvement.

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T. Srinivasarao, Dr.S. Teki(Doms) , Dr. M. Venkatasubba Reddy Motivation Of Employees In Public And Private Educational Institutions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XI August 2012

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