Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Morphometric study of Corocoid Process in adult human Scapulae.

Manmeet Kour, Saima Rashid, Uzma Rasool, Arish Nazir Shora

Abstract :

Introduction: The scapula is the king of stability. It is an anchoring point for the postural muscles of the shoulder; it provides stability necessary for a huge combination of movements.The coracoid process forms an important part of scapular glenoid construct and is involved in many surgical procedures on shoulder joint but its unique 3 dimensional orientation makes radiological imaging difficult. Furthermore, congenital variations and minimal traumatic/iatrogenic changes in this orientation can predispose to subcoracoid impingement.

Method:The material for the present study comprised of 60 adult scapulae of unknown sex, obtained from the Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Jammu.The following parameters weremeasured on the coracoid process;Length of coracoid process,Width of coracoid process,Acromio – coracoid distance.

Result:The mean length of coracoid process was found to be 4.05± 0.357 cm, (range= 3.4–4.9 cm) with mean of 4.09± 0.392 cm (range = 3.5–4.9cm) on right side; and 4.00±0.321 as mean, (range = 3.4–4.6 cm) on left side.The mean width of coracoid process was found to be1.34±0.169cm(range=1–1.8cm),with mean width of 1.33±0.169cm(range=1–1.7cm) on right side and 1.35±0.168cm(range=1–1.8cm)on left side.The mean acromio–coracoid distance was found to be 2.76 ± 0.44cm, (range =2–3.5cm), with mean of 2.79 ±0.47 cm (range=2–3.5cm) on right side; and 2.73 ±0.41cm as mean (range = 2–3.3 cm) on left side. Conclusion:Maximum scapular eadth and length of coracoid are useful in predicting the stature. In absence of intact long bones, which are most commonly used for estimating stature, and the fact that mass disasters often leave only bone fragments and commingled remains, the maximum scapular eadth provides forensic anthropologists means of estimating stature through linear regression formulae.The clinical significance rests on the causative effect of the shape of the corocoid process in relation to the impingement syndrome as well as rotator cuff rupture.

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Manmeet Kour, Saima Rashid, Uzma Rasool, Arish Nazir Shora, Morphometric study of Corocoid Process in adult human Scapulae., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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