Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Morphometric Analysis of Liver & its Clinical Implication

Dr. Dhanaji T. Wagh, Dr. Vasudha R. Nikam

Abstract :

The shape of liver is an acute–angled triangular prism. The liver is abdominal organ occupies most of the right hypochondrium and epigastrium and extends into left hypochondrium as far as left lateral line and under left dome of diaphragm. Anatomically liver has two lobes right and left lobes, by the line of reflection of falciform ligament anteriorly, the fissure for ligamentum venosum posteriorly and by fissure for ligamentum teres inferiorly. The anatomical right lobe is larger than the left lob. Gross abnormalities of the liver are rare despite its complex development. The variations observed in the anatomy of human liver have been classified as congenital or acquired. Although segmental anatomy of the liver has been researched there are few studies regarding the surface variations of the liver. Hence we have undertaken this study to note the variations on the surface of the liver.

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Dr. Dhanaji T. Wagh, Dr. Vasudha R. Nikam, Morphometric Analysis of Liver & its Clinical Implication, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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