Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013
Morphology and Morphometry of Mental Foramen in the Region of Maharashtra
Kishwor Bhandari, Haritha K. Nimmagadda, Aruna Mukherji
Abstract :
Morphological and Morphometric study of mental foramen helps to localize the mental nerve which is a anch of the inferior alveolar nerve. This study is of great clinical significance during anesthesia, dental procedure and acupuncture. Fifty adult dry mandibles were included in this study irrespective of sex. The morphological study included the location, shape and number of the mental foramen. Morphometric study included distance from symphysis menti, inferior border of mandible and alveolar ridge till the mental foramen. In this study, the most frequent location of the mental foramen was found in the line of the longitudinal axis of the II premolar tooth although, the location varies from I premolar tooth to I molar tooth. Forty eight possessed single mental foramen on each side whereas two mandibles had accessory mental foramen only on right side. The shape of the mental foramen was found oval in 72 % and round in 28%. In 26% of mandibles, it was not same on the both sides.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Kishwor Bhandari, Haritha K. Nimmagadda, Aruna Mukherji / Morphology and Morphometry of Mental Foramen in the Region of Maharashtra / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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Kishwor Bhandari, Haritha K. Nimmagadda, Aruna Mukherji / Morphology and Morphometry of Mental Foramen in the Region of Maharashtra / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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