Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Morphological Variations of Fissures of Lung : An Anatomical Study

Dr. Varalakshmi. K. , L Jyothi N Nayak, Dr. Sangeetha M

Abstract :

Background:Lungs are divided into lobes by fissures.Fisssures are the integral part of lungs helps in uniform expansion of lungs.Materials and methods:The present study is conducted on 64(34 left,30 right) lungs obtained from the formalin fixed cadavers of department of anatomy,MVJMedical College and Research Hospital ,Bangalore.The specimens were thoroughly studied and variations in the fissures were noted .The length of oblique and horizontal fissures were measured.Results:Out of 34 left lungs,10 lungs showed complete and 1 lung with absent oblique fissure.On the right side ,out of 30 lungs,5 lungs had incomplete oblique fissure and 9 lungs had incomplete and 2 lungs with absent horizontal fissure.Accessory fissure was seen in 6 right and 5 left lungs. Conclusion:The clinical awareness of variations in fissures of lung is important for clinicians in their day to day practice to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with surgical procedures.

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Dr.Varalakshmi.K., L Jyothi N Nayak, Dr.Sangeetha M Morphological Variations of Fissures of Lung : An Anatomical Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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