Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Morphological and Morphometrical Analysis of Mitral Valve in Maharashtra Region: Cadaveric Study

Ms. Pooja Pant, Mr. Rajeev Mukhia, Dr. Haritha Kumari N, Dr. Aruna Mukherjee

Abstract :

Though many reports describe the morphometrical value of mitral valve for performing valve replacement surgeries, it is found that they vary from individual to individual. Total 30 cadaveric hearts were included in the present study. The mitral leaflet was dissected out. The opened out valves were then pinned to white thermocol sheet. Measurements were noted and statistically analyzed. The average measurements of annular circumference was 9.34cm.The average length of anterior leaflet was noted as 2.16cm & posterior leaflet 1.75cm. The average length of Chordae tendinae from apex of the anterior leaflet to the tip of anterior papillary muscle was 1.99cm & from apex of the posterior leaflet to the tip of posterior Papillary muscle was 2.14cm. This data provides interest to anatomists and cardiac surgeons about the knowledge of measurement of the mitral valve which help them to rule out normal and abnormal measurement.

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Ms. Pooja Pant, Mr. Rajeev Mukhia, Dr. Haritha Kumari N, Dr. Aruna Mukherjee Morphological and Morphometrical Analysis of Mitral Valve in Maharashtra Region: Cadaveric Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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