Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Monumental Heritage in Lucknow: Is Host Population Aware of Monumental Heritage ?

Jatashankar R. Tewari

Abstract :

Monumental heritage constitutes a great opportunity for many countries, so that they can develop strategy to convert this heritage into “a tourism Product”. Host population plays very important role in development of tourism activity at any destination. Host population is an important stack holder of the tourism. The level of tolerance, friendly behaviour is of paramount importance in flourishing of the tourism at a destination. The product knowledge is imperative for the all stack holder. The local people’s awareness about the destination’s monumental heritage, will surely be affecting the growth of the tourism at the destination. The present paper attempts to find the local host populations awareness about the heritage of their location. The study shows there is significant lack in the awareness of the tourism product in host population. The government and non–government organisations must participate in awareness campaign so that local population may actively participate in development of tourism at destination.

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Jatashankar R. Tewari Monumental Heritage in Lucknow: Is Host Population Aware of Monumental Heritage ? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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