Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Monitoring of Buffet Containers in Hotel for Effective Service Using RFID

Dr. S. Srinivasan

Abstract :

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) emerges as one of the converging technologies. It is a powerful medium for identification of any object and leads all methods in auto ID umella. Taste and food culture is nowadays not quite common due to modernization. Job unites peoples from different locations with separate cultural backgrounds. Country like India has so many food habits synchronized with their culture and heredity. Some people like vegetarian food and some may like non vegetarian food. Then so many sub divisions like preferring spicy foods, sweet foods, Dry foods, Liquid foods, Semi Solid food etc. It results buffet system in the hotels and parties. This system satisfies all people needs. But monitoring and managing the food containers is very tough task. For this huge manpower knowledge base is required. Here we are trying to give solution for this based on latest RFID technology

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Dr. S.Srinivasan Monitoring of Buffet Containers in Hotel for Effective Service Using RFID Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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