Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Modi Era Budget : Imlications for the Social Sector

Dr. T. Sadashivam

Abstract :

 In almost last ten years hardly such attention was given to union budgets in India, what we are seeing 

with the present 2015–16 budget. Not only domestically, but internationally many people are looking at 
it with curiosity, regarding how the new NDA II government will boost the economy of the country, which is showing 
some decline for past few years. However, for common man budget is not only about how economy will grow. Instead 
for him/her, the big question will be how the union government is going to spend in the social sectors. The present 
paper going to discuss about 2015–16 budget implications for the social sector. Also highlighting some important recommendations of 14th Finance Commission which is going to implement from (2015–16 to 2019–20) and which will 
have some impact on the social sector programmes from the current financial year (2015–16).

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Dr. T. Sadashivam Modi Era Budget : Imlications for the Social Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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