Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Modern Optimization Model on Interval Estimation

Ananthalakshmi S, Vijayalakshmi C

Abstract :

Optimization methods have been widely applied in statistics. This paper focuses the lower and upper values of interval estimated linear programming model (IELPM) are obtained by using the method of estimation. An IELPM is a linear programming model (LPM) with interval form of the coefficients in the objective function and all requirements. In conventional mathematical programming, the coefficients of the models are always treated as deterministic values. However uncertainty always exits in practical engineering models. Therefore, IELPMs may provide an alternative choice for considering the uncertainty into the optimization models. The solution of the IELPM is analyzed.

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Ananthalakshmi S, Vijayalakshmi C Modern Optimization Model on Interval Estimation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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