Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Modeling of Sucker rod pump in CBM wells using QRod Simulator

Siraj Bhatkar, Yusufuddin Nehri, Fahad Shaikh

Abstract :

Sucker–rod pumping (SRP) is a very popular means of artificial lift all over the world; roughly two–thirds of the producing oil wells are on this type of lift. De–watering of CBM/CSG (coal bed methane / coal seam gas) wells has been challenge to different operators around the world and is a technique that is evolving through the selection of innovatively designed lift systems that match the fluid conditions, liquid volumes and tubing and casing head requirements. There are mainly three types of artificial lift technologies in the de–watering of CBM wells, namely ESP, PCP and SRP systems. To maximize profits from these wells in the ever–changing economic situation with rising costs of electric power, installation designs must ensure optimum conditions. QRod is the most widely used program for the design and prediction of the performance of Sucker Rod Beam Pumping Installations. The program uses a wave equation solution to accurately predict the surface dynamometer loads, gearbox torque and pump capacity, with a minimum amount of input. The effect of changing a parameter such as tubing anchor, stroke length, stroke rate, and pump diameter can be immediately seen in the dynamically updated plots. After a review of the surface and downhole energy losses in sucker–rod pumped wells, some key considerations on the ways to improve system efficiency are given. The most important task is the proper selection of the pumping mode, i.e. the combination of plunger size, pumping speed, stroke length, and rod taper design for lifting the prescribed amount of liquid to the surface. The paper gives aspects and details of modeling of Sucker rod pump in CBM wells using QRod Simulator by using QRod simulator along with CBM well case study

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Siraj Bhatkar, Yusufuddin Nehri, Fahad Shaikh Modeling of Sucker rod pump in CBM wells using QRod Simulator Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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