Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Modeling of Infiltration Process � A Review

Capt Dr N P Sonaje

Abstract :

Hydrological studies aim at modeling of fundamental transport processes in hydrologic cycle. Moreover, hydrological study is a useful tool to decide adequate availability of water, its storage and release which are regarded as the complex issues in water management. More so, in the process of infiltration, hydrological system assumes a critical dimension for simulation of water movement. Many researchers have conceptualized numerous methods / models for performing simulations related to the movement of water and unanimously concluded that the rate of infiltration of water is most vital parameter required for modeling. Interestingly, the process of water movement in subsoil is very dynamic, changing dramatically in temporal and spatial paradigms. Hydrological application aspects are evident more specifically for flood protection projects, rehabilitation of aging dams, floodplain management, water–quality evaluation, and water–supply forecasting. Present communication reviews state–of–art models used for infiltration studies.  

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Capt (Dr) N P Sonaje Modeling of Infiltration Process � A Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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