Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Mixed Siderophoregenic Root Nodulating Enterobacter cloacae shirishii SUP I from Tamarindus indica L.

Shirishkumar Vishnu Supanekar

Abstract :

Nine different isolates were obtained from tamarind (Tamarindus Indica L.) root nodules samples collected from Sangli district (Maharashtra, India) area, out of which 5 isolates showed siderophoregenic behaviour under iron limiting conditions on chrome azurol – S (CAS) agar. The isolate SUP I seemed potent siderophoregenic on CAS agar, which was further confirmed in fiss glucose mineral medium where a maximum 72.16% decolorization of CAS reagent in liquid CAS assay was achieved. Maximum siderophore production was achieved at pH 7.0. In 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenic analysis using MEGA4, the isolate showed affinity towards Enterobacter cloacae. From colorimetric reactions the purified siderophore was identified as hydroxamate – catacholate mixed type, with dominant hydroxamate moiety. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of the purified siderophore showed prominent peaks at 3303 cm–1, 3065 cm–1, 2934 cm–1, 1719 cm–1, 1648 cm–1 and 1545 cm–1, which supported the colorimetric analysis. The purified siderophore found inhibitory to Bacillus subtilis, Serratia marcenscens, and Salmonella typhimurium in vitro at 100 µg ml–1 concentration. The prominant siderophoregenic behavior of the isolate Enterobacter cloacae shirishii SUP I highlites its crucial role in biological recycling of Fe+++ in the ecosystem along with its use in bioremediation of iron deficient soils in agriculture. This study represents the first event to report siderophoregenic tamarind root nodulating Enterobacter cloacae.

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Shirishkumar Vishnu Supanekar Mixed Siderophoregenic Root Nodulating Enterobacter cloacae shirishii SUP I from Tamarindus indica L. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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