Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Mirror that knows Light’, Measuring the Personality through TAT: A Case Study

Dr. Birbal Saha, Sambhunath Maji, Chiranjib Saha

Abstract :

Mirror knows how to measure the intensity of light. The measurement of human personality has been so far a mountain–like task. Of late, psychologists claim that human personality, however it is enigmatic and mysterious, can be appraised through certain project methods. The researchers of Harvard Psychological Clinic have termed it as Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The main objective of this article is to study the personality of a Subject by implementing this method. Our findings will reestablish the originality and effectiveness of this research method even in the sub–continent.

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Dr. Birbal Saha, Sambhunath Maji, Chiranjib Saha Mirror that knows Light’, Measuring the Personality through TAT: A Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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