Volume : IX, Issue : XII, December - 2019

Microflora associated with Radicular Cyst - Review Article

Dr Shivangi Shreya, Dr. Abhishek Atulya, Dr. Sujeet Kumar Mandal

Abstract :

Radicular cysts are the most common of all jaw cysts and comprise about 52% to 68% of all the cysts affecting the human jaws. Radicular cysts arise from the epithelial residues in the periodontal ligament as a result of inflammation. They generally result due to pulpal infection following dental caries. The objective of this review is to highlight the pathogenesis to understand between the two distinct categories of periapical cysts, namely, those containing cavities completely enclosed in epithelial lining, and those containing epithelium–lined cavities that are open to the root canals (bay cysts) and micoflora associated with it.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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MICROFLORA ASSOCIATED WITH RADICULAR CYST - REVIEW ARTICLE, Dr Shivangi Shreya, Dr. Abhishek Atulya, Dr.Sujeet Kumar Mandal INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-12 | December-2019

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