Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Microencapsulation – A Technique for Intelligent Textile

Dr Swarnima Singh

Abstract :

 Microencapsulation is a smart technology used in technical textile to create smart and intelligent textiles which have various function. Microcapsules are used which are made of ethyl cellulose, resin and gelatin, which contains various active ingredients such as perfumes, deodorants, moisturizer, vitamins, nutrients medicinal ingredients etc. These microcapsules are applied on textiles with various mediums such as spraying, coating, and padding.These microcapsules release their contents at appropriate time by using different release mechanisms, depending on the end use of encapsulated products. This technology has been used in several fields including pharmaceutical, agriculture, food, printing, cosmetic, textile and Defence.This review paper highlights the major reasons behind microencapsulation, important techniques of microencapsulation and application of microencapsulated products in different areas of science and technology.

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Dr Swarnima Singh, Microencapsulation – A Technique for Intelligent Textile, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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