Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Microbial biodiversity along Purnagad rocky shore, Ratnagiri

Dr. Chanda V Berde, Ms. Archana S. Injal, Dr. Vikrant B. Berde, Dr. Arvind S. Kulkarni

Abstract :

Analysis of intertidal zone sea water samples collected during winter along the Purnagad coast, was carried out. Physicochemical parameters were analysed on spot while microbiological analysis were carried out in the laboratory. Forty three different types of colonies were isolated from ten spots, covering an area of 10 Kms. Five efficient phosphate solubilisers bacterial strains were selected out of the total isolates, based on their ability to form clear zone on Pikovskaya’s agar medium and their phosphate solubilising activities were calculated. Pigmented colonies were isolated from water samples of most of the spots. Spot P7 showed presence of abundant and varied pigmented bacterial cultures. Three spots showed presence of bacteriophages.

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Dr. Chanda V Berde, Ms. Archana S. Injal, Dr. Vikrant B. Berde, Dr. Arvind S. Kulkarni Microbial biodiversity along Purnagad rocky shore, Ratnagiri Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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