Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises A Case Study of Maharashtra

Bilas S. Kale

Abstract :

 Entrepreneurship is a backbone of economy. They are playing vital role of increase the industrial sector as well as economic growth of country. Entrepreneurs are driven to achieve success in their business along with the qualities of a entrepreneurs. They saw the bigger picture but wisely started their business as a very small unit. Entrepreneurs set the example of turning their dream into reality. The MSMEs play a crucial role in the Indian economy, structure due to its significant contribution in terms of output, export and employment. So they are engine of growth. They also help to mitigate the poverty.

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Bilas S. Kale Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – A Case Study of Maharashtra Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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