Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Micro�albuminuria as a prognostic marker in Burn� A retrospective study

Dr. Ashok Rai, Dr. Rajendra Kumar

Abstract :

 Background– Microalbuminuria, is said to be a reflection of increased capillary permeability associated with the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. It is a ratio between urinary albumin and creatinine. A study was made to find out correlation microalbuminuria and prognosis of burn patients. Methods– Retrospective study was undertaken with adult of burn between burn 35–55% of total body surface area. Exclusion criteria were known diabetic,hypertensive,renal disease,pregnancy and paediatric patients (Electric and chemical burn) ACR was measured twice a week and the outcome studied was mortality. Results– 43 patients were included in this study. 32 patients survived and were discharged from hospital and 16 patients succumbed to their injuries. Data were analysed. The ACR ratio remained stable in survivors whereas it peaked in 2nd and 5th week in non–survivors. Conclusion– We conclude that ACR can be used as a useful marker for the survival of the burn patients.

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Dr. Ashok Rai, Dr. Rajendra kumar Micro�albuminuria as a prognostic marker in Burn� A retrospective study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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