Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Metaphor in the Semantics of Some English Food–Related Nominal Compounds

Tsveta Luizova Horeva

Abstract :

 The mechanisms and processes involved in the semantics of English nominal compounds have been the subject of extensive research. This paper is focused on the role of metaphor in the semantic structure of compounds used as culinary terms. The major metaphorical schemes and models have been outlined. On the basis of the predominant types of metaphor contributing to the semantics of food–related nominal compounds, some of the concepts and attributes which are particularly salient in this area of specialised language have been identified.

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Tsveta Luizova–Horeva Metaphor in the Semantics of Some English Food–Related Nominal Compounds Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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