Volume : IX, Issue : VII, July - 2019

Metabolic Syndrome and Thyroid dysfunction

Kshitiz Vashist, Zhahid Hassan, Muzamil Latief, Farhat Abbas

Abstract :

Background; Prevalence of metabolic syndrome is increasing all over the world ,more so in developing countries like India. The plethora of metabolic abnormalities in Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, Cereovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, Renal disease etc. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and hypothyroidism are well–established forerunners of atherogenic cardiovascular disease .Relationship between thyroid dysfunction and metabolic syndrome is less known. Materials and Methods: We studied 70 patients (who fulfilled three or more of the NCEP ATP III National Cholesterol Education Programme – Adult Treatment Panel III criteria to define the metabolic syndrome) and 70 healthy individuals as controls. Clinical Examination Anthropometry, Thyroid function Test, Metabolic profile including Insulin levels were done in both groups. All the patients (group I) had insulin resistance as per the HOMA IR (the homeostasis model for insulin resistance) model. Results: T3 and T4 levels were comparable in patients and controls. There was a significant increase in TSH levels in patients as compared to the controls. This increased TSH is probably due to thyroid receptor resistance to TSH and may be a part of metabolic syndrome rather than a state of hypothyroidism.

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METABOLIC SYNDROME AND THYROID DYSFUNCTION, Kshitiz Vashist, Zhahid Hassan, Muzamil Latief, Farhat Abbas INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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