Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Mesenteric Vascular Occlusion: A therapeutic challenge - Our experience of five cases.

Dr K M Garg

Abstract :


:  Acute mesenteric ischaemia (AMI) is an uncommon event and requires comprehensive clinical care to minimize the morbidities and mortality associated with the condition. SBS is a common occurrence in A M I patients who undergo massive bowel resection due to reduced intestinal absorptive surface area. We report our experience of five patients with AMI, who presented at our surgical emergency within a period of one and half year (Aug 2015 – Dec 2016) with a follow–up of one year and their outcome so as to encourage others in managing such a challenge with more positive mindsets.  A mortality rate of 20 %( 1/5) was observed. A structured clinical approach, timely surgical intervention with exteriorisation of anastomosed bowel loop and multidisciplinary post operative management are essential for managing such frail patients to achieve best possible results.

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Dr K M Garg, Mesenteric Vascular Occlusion: A therapeutic challenge‾Our experience of five cases., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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