Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. K. Sunitha

Abstract :

 Background: Adolescent girls up to the age of 19 compromise about ¼ of Indian population. Prevalance of anaemia is high (56%) in this age group and has been identified as an important public health problem. Anaemia in this age group contributes to high maternal mortality rate, high incidence of low birth weight babies, high post neo natal mortality, fetal wastage, and consequently high fertility rates. Though Nutritional Aneamia is the commonest cause of anemia, biological transformation of these girls to women of child beå age – initiation of menstruation and the problems associated with it are unidentified. AIM : To indentify the menstrual problems among adolescent girls in a health subcentre area of Tirunelveli District. To find out the association of these problems with anaemia among these girls. METHODOLOGY: Community based cross–sectional study was carried out in Ittamozhi Subcentre of Reddiyarpatti PHC in Tirunelveli district. All adolescent girls(10–19yrs) of the subcentre who were willing to participate were included in the study and were tested for Anemia by Clinical Examination and details regarding their menstrual status were obtained by administering a self structured questionnaire.Data were analysed using SPSS. RESULTS: Around 411 adolescent girls participated in the study. 62% of them were anemic. Significant association was found between anaemia and menstrual status (< P 0.002). 65.9% of the girls who had attained menarche were found to be anaemic.87.5% of the girls who had menstrual problems were anaemic.The common menstrual problems were Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea and irregular bleeding cycles

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Dr.M.Vijayalakshmi, Dr.K.Sunitha, MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS AMONG RURAL ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN TAMILNADU, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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