Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Meeting the Information Literacy Skills of Diverse Primary School Pupils Through the School Libraries

Nwachukwu V. N. Eskay, M. , Ifeanyichukwu, J. N

Abstract :

The article explores the place of school liaries in meeting information literacy skills on diverse pupils. This was achieved by examining the role of school liaries in building diverse pupils information literacy of diverse school children as well as the need for liary period curriculum to facilitate this development. After integrating the primary school curriculum and liary period curriculum, pupils were pre tested before the pupils of experienmental group were taught the curriculum. The result of the observations showed that pupils of the experimental group continuously improved in their information literacy skills through exhibiting higher level of literacy, communication, writing, location, organisation and critical thinking skills. The implication is that educational policy makers, school administrators, school liariansd and special educators should collaborate in this information literacy pursuit to see that diverse pupils become interested in lifelong learning.

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Nwachukwu V. N.Eskay, M., Ifeanyichukwu, J.N Meeting the Information Literacy Skills of Diverse Primary School Pupils Through the School Libraries Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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