Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014
Medicinal plants used by the Bodo community of Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India
Simi Talukdar , Abhik Gupta
Abstract :
Medicinal use of plants among the Bodo community of Chakrashila Wild Life Sanctuary (WLS) was documented in the present study. This WLS is located in the Kokrajhar and Dhui districts of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) in the western part of Assam. The methodology adopted for conducting this study comprised interviews of traditional healers and knowledgeable elderly persons, focal group discussions with both young and elder persons and women. Also plants were collected from wild habitats and home gardens with the help of local practitioners. A total of 29 plant species belonging to 22 families were found to be used in treatment of different diseases. Herbs, shrubs and trees were the dominant category of plants used. Comparisons of the use pattern of medicinal plants by the Bodos of Chakrashila WLS with other Bodo groups from Goalpara, Kokrajhar (Ultapani), Kamrup and Sonitpur districts revealed partial overlap with 16 plants used by the studied community not being used by the other groups.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Simi Talukdar , Abhik Gupta Medicinal plants used by the Bodo community of
Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II
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Simi Talukdar , Abhik Gupta Medicinal plants used by the Bodo community of Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II
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