Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Ms Deepti Anna John

Abstract :

 Medical emergencies are uncommon in dental practices but can happen at any instant. But Dentists should be prepared if any such occurrence happens. The Risk of mortality is reduced if basic medical equipment and drugs are present on site.To learn about dealing with medical emergencies in the dental practice and to assess the knowledge and experience of dentists about Basic life support and Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. To conduct a survey to find out how prepared dentists are in the case of a medical emergency in the Dental clinics around Chennai.To provide a better understanding about tackling medical emergencies and these emergencies are best managed if mechanisms are in place for dealing with them.Emergencies are not foretold and all the members of the dental team need to be aware in the event of any such incident

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Ms DEEPTI ANNA JOHN Medical Emergencies in The Dental Clinic: Are We Prepared? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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