Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Media and Gender

Dr. Nagendra, Dr. Jagadish Jr

Abstract :

 Mass media plays pivotal role in a modern world, by oadcasting information in fast pace and entertaining large mass audiences. Media consist of press, television, radio, books and the Internet as well  as social networking system. However,The latter is now the most developing medium in the present scenario. Perhaps,  TV also has a wide influence over on the mass audiences for ever, By creating a certain type of message, media can  mould public’s attitude and opinions. Apparently, I would like to emphasis over on problem and challenges by investigating commercials structure; I will also make an attempt to specify gender stereotypes, which are used in advertising  as a pervasive technique. Much of children‘s knowledge and their experience in this world is indirect. Media has been used as a tool but not a  transparent technologies are explored; they do not offer a wide range of window for this world. In addition, values  and images are often influenced by commercial considerations. In mediating events and issues, television, film, video  games and other media are involved in selecting, constructing and representing reality in this world. In so doing, the  media tend to emphasis and reinforce the values and images of those who create the messages and own the means  of disseminations a result, the viewpoints and experiences of other people are often left out, or shown in negative  ways. Whereas other forms of guidance do not restriction of the use of one medium may lead to an increase of another medium offering a similar gratification. Children’s perception differs between the guidance behavior of father and mother.  In this study parental guidance (measured as verbal cues) had an effect only on the media consumption of girls

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Dr.Nagendra, Dr.Jagadish JR Media and Gender Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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