Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Measuring Awareness and Satisfaction Level of Innovative Banking Users in South Gujarat Region

Dr. Keyur M. Nayak, Poonam P. Yadav

Abstract :

The research paper is explaining about the various approaches of doing banking electronically. The center point of the paper is to customers who are in Gujarat Region. The paper has intended to measure the level of awareness and the satisfaction level of innovative banking users South Gujarat Region. The research has divided into four area of e–banking such as ATM, Internet banking, Mobile banking and credit cards. This paper covers all both private as well as public sector bank for measuring the satisfaction level of the Customers.  

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Dr. Keyur M. Nayak, Poonam P. Yadav Measuring Awareness and Satisfaction Level of Innovative Banking Users in South Gujarat Region Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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