Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Measurements of Radon– 222 Concentrations in Dwellings of Baghdad Governorate

Hazim Louis Mansour , Nada Fathil Tawfiq , Mahmood Salim Karim

Abstract :

Indoor radon concentration, CR-39 nuclear track detector, Radon-222, indoor air. In the present work a set of indoor radon measurements was carried out in different dwellings in Baghdad governorate. Radon concentrations were determined by using time-integrated passive radon dosimeters containing (CR-39) solid state nuclear track detectors. Measurements were carried out during the months (July and August, 2013). The results show that, the radon concentrations varied from (27.250±4.1 Bq.m-3) to (79.500±1.5 Bq.m-3) with an average value (51.688±16.7 Bq.m-3) which is less than the lower limit of recommended range (200-300 Bq/m3) (ICRP, 2009). The values of the potential alpha energy concentration were found to vary from (2.946 mWL) to (8.595 mWL) with an average value (5.588±1.5 mWL) which is less than the recommended value (53.33 mWL) given by (UNSCEAR, 1993). The value of exposure to radon progeny vary from (0.354 WLMY-1) to (0.121 WLMY-1) with an average value (0.230±0.1 WLMY-1) recommended range (1-2 WLMY-1) by the (NCRP, 1989). The values of the indoor annual effective dose vary from (0.687 mSv/y) to (2.003 mSv/y) with an average value (1.302±0.4 mSv/y) which is less than the lower limit of the recommended range (3-10 mSv/y) (ICRP, 1993). The values of lung cancer cases per year per million person vary from (12.366) to (36.054) with an average value (23.443±6.1) per million person which is less than the lower limit of the recommended range (170-230) per million person (ICRP, 1993).

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Hazim Louis Mansour , Nada Fathil Tawfiq , Mahmood Salim Karim Measurements of Radon- 222 Concentrations in Dwellings of Baghdad Governorate Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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