Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Measurement of Various Parameters of Greater Sciatic Notch of Pelvis

Dr. Gautam Kumar Singh

Abstract :

The Greater sciatic notch of pelvis is important for determination of sex after death for anatomists and forensic experts in medico–legal cases .The pelvis bone which is made by the two hip bones articulated with sacrum. The dimension of greater sciatic notches of human pelvis are much important for especially female during parturition, larger in dimension much easy for delivery of baby. Moreover, in the pathological deformed pelvis, the shape and dimensions of the great sciatic notch are of practical significance in obstetrics and serve as an important indicator of the pelvic capacity. This study tells about dimensions, depth and index of greater sciatic notch, after measurement of many hip bone show female pelvis has wider than male pelvis. It may be due to long term adaptation develop for delivery of baby

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Dr. Gautam Kumar Singh Measurement of Various Parameters of Greater Sciatic Notch of Pelvis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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