Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Measurement of Radiation Dose in Radiotherapy using PVA/AgNO3 Composite Film

Hamed A. Ismail, Mohammed A. Ali Omer, Mohamed E. M. Gar Elnabi, Nuha S. Mustafa, Nasr Aldeen N. Khidir

Abstract :

The composite films of PVA/AgNO3 have been prepared using casting technique which after irradiation with γ –ray and receiving doses in the range of 1, 2, 4... 12 and 15 Gy) at entrance and exit beam of a phantom, they showed a color changes from white to light yellow, golden, own and dark own. The characterization of films by UV–visible spectroscope showed and absorption peaks at 200 and 410 nm, and the absorption peak increase following the increment of applied radiation dose in a linear form based on the following equations: and for entrance and exit dose respectively, where y refers to the absorption in (au) and x refers to the dose in Gray (Gy) with a correlation coefficient of . And the optical density showed great and significant relation between the dose and optical density in a form of linear proportional relation based on the following equations: and for entrance and exit doses respectively, where y refers to optical density and x refers to the applied dose in Gy.

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Hamed A. Ismail, Mohammed A. Ali Omer, Mohamed E. M. Gar-elnabi, Nuha S. Mustafa, Nasr Aldeen N. Khidir Measurement of Radiation Dose in Radiotherapy using PVA/AgNO3 Composite Film Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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