Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Measurement of arch index in adults–an outdoor based preliminary study

Dr. Avisek Majumder

Abstract :

 In terms of human evolution in the oader context, it is now generally considered that the development of obligate bipedal locomotion was one of the most significant adaptations to occur within the hominid lineage. Of all extant primates, humans are the only obligate bipeds. Highly specialized postcranial adaptations, especially in the lower limb, characterize this unique form of locomotion. The foot is particularly specialized in both its anatomy and its function. This makes perfect sense, because in developing bipedal locomotion, the foot becomes the only structure that directly interfaces with the ground, and subsequently is under strong selection pressure to deal with both balance and propulsion in a highly efficient way. Even in the more arboreal great apes, the lower limb is always the principal limb of locomotion. 

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Dr.Avisek Majumder, Measurement of arch index in adults–an outdoor based preliminary study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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