Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2017

Measurement and Assessment of School Readiness of Preschoolers

Dr. Reeta Sonawat, Ms. Zikra Khalid Bhati

Abstract :

 The aim of this study is to measure and assess school readiness of preschoolers in five areas of school readiness that are reading, writing, mathematics, social and emotional readiness. This study also measures school readiness with respect to gender. A sample of 193 children in the age group of 4–6 years going to a preschool were purposively selected from rural areas of Maharashtra and Rajasthan. The School Readiness Tool consists of 5 items each for reading, writing and mathematics readiness. Social and emotional readiness questionnaire was administered to parents of the children to measure social and emotional readiness. This questionnaire had 10 items in each area. The data collected was then quantified and analyzed in order to compare between the scores of children residing in both the states using measures such as mean scores, t–test and ANOVA. The results indicated that preschoolers in Maharashtra and Rajasthan are on a similar pace of development; although the preschoolers in Maharashtra performed slightly better than the preschoolers in Rajasthan, in majority of the aspects of each area of school readiness that are reading wherein ‘Matching‘ was found to be the highest prevailing difference with mean scores of 9.42 for Maharashtra and 7.06 for Rajasthan; writing wherein ‘Letters and words‘ and ‘Sentences‘ were found to have lowest mean scores which reveals that these two aspects are still on the verge of development; and mathematics wherein ‘Comparison‘ was found to be the highest prevailing difference with mean scores of 9.15 for Maharashtra and 7.06 for Rajasthan. There was no significant difference found between the mean scores of boys and girls residing in both Maharashtra and Rajasthan with respect to reading, writing and mathematics readiness. In social readiness, preschoolers play and work co–operatively with each other, they are able to help and sympathize a peer in distress. In emotional readiness, preschoolers experience happiness, experience disgust when they touch dirty objects, but do not experience feeling of shame over not doing things by themselves. Result revealed that there was a statistical difference in the scores of social and emotional readiness with respect to gender. 

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Dr. Reeta Sonawat, Ms. Zikra Khalid Bhati, Measurement and Assessment of School Readiness of Preschoolers, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾2 | February‾2017

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