Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Mathematical Simulation of The Activity of Debate on Formation of Interim Government as a Part of Transfer of Power From British Government To India : Part 2i

S. Chaturvedi, J. P. Modak

Abstract :

The objective of the paper is to demonstrate as to how quantitative simulation of intensity of thoughts pre –sented by members of a group holding discussion/debate/ain storming on some issue. This is based on approach proposed by Professor Sushil through his book on System Dynamics. The simulation is as regards part of the discussion which took place in the context of formation of interim government as one of the early steps which were required to be taken in the process of TRANSFER OF POWER BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT TO INDIA. The period under consideration is Feuary 1946 to December 1946. Though the discussion has occurred in the past the approach proposed for quantitative/mathematical simulation of thoughts is being proposed only second time now. This novel concept is launched by the authors in the past for one meeting which took place in LONDON and is already published earlier. Such kind of simulation may become useful from the point of view of prognosis of outcome of any discussion for better planning for future on the part of leaders /administrators. Though, presently the quantitative simulation is done adopting basis algea and approach of control system the approach of application of FUZZY LOGIC appears to be more appropriate

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S. Chaturvedi, J.P. Modak Mathematical Simulation of The Activity of Debate on Formation of Interim Government as a Part of Transfer of Power From British Government To India : Part 2i Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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