Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Matchless healing properties of Ocimum sanctum (Review)

Dr Sanjay Sharma

Abstract :

 Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Belongs to the Lamiaceae/Labiatae mint family, cultivated annually from seed, but it can also be propagated from tip or root cuttings. The name Tulsi is derived from ‘Sanskrit’ which means “matchless one”. It is usually planted immediately after the rainy season ends. The colour of leaves ranges from light green to dark purple; the tiny flowers range from white to reddish purple. Different varieties of Tulsi may smell and taste having distinct characteristics of their own. Tulsi has medicinal values and has been worshiped and highly valued in India for thousands of years. Tulsi contains hundreds of beneficial compounds and possess strong antioxidant, antibacterial, anti–viral, adaptogenic and immune enhancing properties. It is used to cure various diseases such as common cold, inflammation, heart diseases, kidney stone, stress, skin diseases and many more. Tulsi also aids in the purification of atmosphere. It is being used as an important component of Ayurvedic medicines. It is regarded in Ayurveda as an “elixir of life” and is well known to promote longevity. It is because of these numerous benefits this herb is worshiped as a goddess in India.

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DR SANJAY SHARMA / Matchless healing properties of Ocimum sanctum (Review) / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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