Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr. Mrs. , Parveen Rani

Abstract :

 The ultimate objective of evaluation is to ing about qualitative improvement in education. It facilities learning and improves instruction. Therefore, evaluation should be construed as a powerful instrument for improving teaching–learning process. The present system of evaluation at school stage suffers from a number of imperfections. The first and foremost shortcoming of the evaluation system is that it focuses only on cognitive learning outcomes and completely ignores the non–cognitive aspects which are a vital component of human personality. The idea behind mastery learning is that children should not move on to another subject until they have mastered a current topic. In the present paper the author mainly focused on formative evaluation and stated that it is prerequisite for mastery learning. Formative evaluation has played a critical role in the apparent success of mastery learning. It helps in assessing both scholastic and co–scholastic domains of development which is not possible only with summative evaluation.

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Dr. (Mrs.), Parveen Rani MASTERY LEARNING USING FORMATIVE EVALUATION Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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