Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Masculinization of Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi (Boulenger) Using Short Term Immersion of 17 ?–Methyl Testosterone

B. Uma

Abstract :

Immersion of fry of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi for short term in 17 α – Methyl testosterone for masculiniza – tion has been tried in the present study. Control population had a highly skewed sex–ratio in favour of males (59%), possibly due to temperature induced / based natural sex reversal. Intersexes were also observed in the control stock. A single optimum dose of 400μ g/l of 17 α –Methyltestosterone (17 α –MT) for 4 hours through immersion of 5 day old posthatchlings induced 100% masculinization, with survival of 22%. However, a strict dose –dependent mortality was not observed. Super.–optimal doses [600, 800μ g/l for 4 hours ] of 17 α –MT demonstrated paradoxical feminization. Intersexes were observed in the hormone exposed lots at both sub–optimal and super–optimal doses. Sexes were identified through gonadal squash.

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B.Uma Masculinization of Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi (Boulenger) Using Short Term Immersion of 17 α -Methyl Testosterone Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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