Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Marketing Strategies for Frozen Fish Exporters in India

Ajay Tita

Abstract :

The main objective of this study is marketing strategies for frozen fish exporters in India. Frozen fish is the second highest export earning sector of the country The major findings are holistic marketing concept can be applied for exporting frozen fish, cost based pricing as well as other pricing methods can be exercised with the proper consideration of cost related elements. Farmers may sell their products directly to the buyers. There is no substitute for a good working relationship with the foreign buyers. These good long–term relationships are best established through making contacts and building partnerships. Participation at trade shows and trade missions, shipping samples to potential buyers, sending letters and faxes, and making telephone calls should be strategy to expand market share. Possible risks to be handled include; government regulations, Patents, Predatory pricing, economy of scale, research and development, distribution agreement. A descriptive framework has been made in order to understand the marketing strategies for frozen fish exporters in Bangladesh. This study adopts with qualitative in nature. This research enables researchers to understand the concept, pricing methods, how to expand the market, promotional measures and how possible risks to be handled.

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Ajay Tita Marketing Strategies for Frozen Fish Exporters in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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