Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Manufacturing of Gray Cast Iron Automotive Disc Brake

Masoud I. M. , Al Jarrah J. A, Abu Mansour T

Abstract :

The wear behavior of four different types of gray cast iron (with different carbon and silicon content) was studied. The materials were cast in controlled sand molds with Y block from each type for wear and hardness tests and microscopic investigation.  The wear tests were carried out in a pin–on–ring wear–testing machine. The wear was measured by weight loss after 30min at different loads and speeds. The results showed lower weight loss for gray iron of high carbon content and lower silicon content compared with the three gray irons at any applied pressure. In addition, better hardness was obtained for the same gray iron.

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Masoud I. M., Al-Jarrah J. A, Abu Mansour T Manufacturing of Gray Cast Iron Automotive Disc Brake Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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