Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019

Manpower and Food Resources in Mid day meal Programme: An in Depth Study in Upper Primary Schools of Kolkata

Aparajita Dasgupta, Madhumita Dobe, Sembaga Muthu Sembiagh, Jayeeta Barman, Keya Roy, Amal Titto V. Augustine

Abstract :

Introduction: To prevent malnutrition mid day meal programme is the world‘s biggest supplementary school lunch programme and is being implemented all over India for primary and upper primary school students. In resource limited country like India, the implementation of Midday meal programme needs explicit evaluation from time to time at all levels of its execution. Objective: To assess the various resources available for the mid day meal programme and their adequacy in upper primary schools of Kolkata. Methodology: An institution based observational study with cross sectional design was conducted in upper primary schools (Government, Government aided school) in Kolkata. The study was conducted over a period of 2 years from November 2016 to October 2018. A sample total of 52 schools were then selected by simple random sampling. All analyses were conducted with the SPSS software (SPSS Inc. Released 2007. SPSS for windows, version16.0. Chicago, SPSS inc.). Result: Among 52 schools satisfactory manpower and food resources were seen among 31(59.6%) and 18(34.6%) of schools respectively. Out of these 52 schools 53.8% was Govt. aided school and 46.2% was Govt. schools. and There were no significant difference of man power [(X2,df, P)–.92,1, .337] and food security [(X2,,df, p) – .032, 1, .86] in between Govt. and Govt. aided schools. Conclusion: I am of the opinion that if these loopholes and lacunae are identified and put forward to all the stakeholders of MDMP then the latter will take stringent steps for a radical improvement in the implementation of this programme

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MANPOWER AND FOOD RESOURCES IN MID DAY MEAL PROGRAMME: AN IN DEPTH STUDY IN UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF KOLKATA, Aparajita Dasgupta, Madhumita Dobe, Sembaga Muthu Sembiagh, Jayeeta Barman, Keya Roy, Amal Titto V. Augustine INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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