Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Manifestations of Social Behaviour: A Study on Personality Traits in Githa Hariharan’s In Times of Siege

G. Rashmi, Dr. D. Anand Kumar

Abstract :

 Individualistic attributes of every human being is decided by his or her behaviour in the society. This primal behaviour of people may be oadly classified into four different categories or temperaments namely sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Applying psychological approaches to literature would help people understand how “language and symbols operate by demonstrating their ability to reflect unconscious fears or desires” through its characters. Githa Hariharan’s novels propagate such real–life behavioral patterns. In Times of Siege is one of her works that exhibit her skill of portraying different types of people. The whole novel deals with the problem created by a module, a history lesson on Basava, designed by Shiv for his Open University students. Githa Hariharan has put meticulous efforts to highlight the step–by–step development of the problem. The battle continues in various forms and finally Shiv’s patience yields him the desired result. All the characters in the novel picture the image of real–life incidents in the minds of readers. As a whole, Githa Hariharan has made In Times of Siege as the best place to search for the nature of human character.

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G.Rashmi, Dr.D.Anand Kumar Manifestations of Social Behaviour: A Study on Personality Traits in Githa Hariharan¥s In Times of Siege Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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